There are various reasons that the Department of Home Affairs may consider cancelling a visa. In some cases the reason for cancellation requires mandatory cancellation, but in many other situations immigration officers can apply discretion and consider reasons why a visa should not be cancelled - even when the grounds to cancel exists.
These NOICC notices are generally provided to visa holders inside Australia. By law, a NOICC must clearly outline the particular ground for cancellation and the information that has been relied on to establish such a position. If you have received a notice like this, you should seek professional advice and assistance as soon as possibe.
If a decision to cancel a visa is received, the decision can be appealed in many circumstances. As with responding to the NOICC, you should seek professional assistance with the appeal process at the first available opportunity.
The information supplied above confirms the types of visas applications we can assist with. To obtain professional immigration advice on the requirements of a particular process and to determine your suitability, a formal initial consultation is required. Please contact us to arrange a suitable time with one of our Registered Migration Agents who following consultation can provide a service agreement should you wish to engage us for a particular matter.
To assist with you arranging consultation please find below some common questions